Tutorial Tuesdays by Orcas
3 min readMay 18, 2021


In this design tutorial, we’re going to create a Heart Eyes Emoji 😍 using Adobe XD.

The same steps can be followed on Sketch, Figma, InVision, or any other design tool as well.

Simple design tutorials every Tuesday πŸ“†

Let’s Start πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯

Open the Adobe XD and create a new artboard of 1080x1080 pixels.

Tools panel is on the left side of the user interface β¬…

Select the ellipse tool or use the shortcut (Ellipseβ€” E)πŸ”Ί

πŸ“ŒTip: Using shortcuts regularly will increase efficiency at doing certain tasks and boosts productivity.

With the ellipse tool draw an ellipse with a size of 400x400 πŸ“

Or manually enter the height and width on the right-side properties panel ➑

Now add another ellipse over it with a size of 360x360. Then add a solid color fill to the new ellipse HEX:#FEF14C.

Add an object blur with the blur amount of 20 and reduce its opacity to 60%.

Add the hearts (How to create a simple heart in AdobeXDπŸ’–)and create a simple mouth using the pen tool from the tools panel.

There you go πŸŽ‰πŸŽŠπŸŽ‰

Change the fill to radial-gradient to have this 3D effect.

Explore other properties to have more creative variants😍πŸ₯°πŸ€©

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Tutorial Tuesdays by Orcas

β€œWe are a team of passionate & experienced engineers, designers, developers, and writers creating amazing things.”